STORMFRONT: A VERY DETAILED HISTORY OF THE JEWS - including Quotes from the Talmud
This is an excellent read, with LOTS of QUOTES.
A European sent me a short video: It was about what if White Americans just abandoned America because they are so terrible and racist and they were to have their own Ethnostate somewhere in a desert or empty space like Nevada. The narrator said that the Blacks would fear that because they know America would collapse without them.
I wrote this to the European: That is a FANTASTIC video. I loved it. I’ve downloaded it. It’s totally true. I even had BLACKS from Zimbabwe tell me to my face that if Whites were given a place in the desert that they would make a success of it. Exactly as this video says. In fact, I need to do a video about farmers in South Africa. There are Boers who live and FARM – literally in the DESERT!!! I’m not joking. A Black from Zimbabwe once told others when I worked at the bank, that if you give Whites a place in the desert they will make a success of it. Interestingly, the example he gave was Las Vegas!!! But rest assured all these Blacks, Jews and non-Whites KNOW WE ARE THE BEST! THEY KNOW IT! They just LIE ABOUT IT. And that is why, if Boers were to go to the Blacks to ask for a White Homeland with the SAME RULES AS A BLACK HOMELAND HAD UNDER APARTHEID – THE BLACKS WILL REFUSE! They will NEVER give Whites what we gave them under Apartheid. They will NOT give us a Homeland – just empty space – they won’t give us a White Township – BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT IF WE ARE LEFT TO OURSELVES THAT OUR HOMELAND OR OUR TOWNSHIP WILL SOON BE RICHER THAN THEIR ENTIRE COUNTRY. THEY KNOW WE ARE BETTER. THEY ALL KNOW IT INCLUDING THE JEWS. ALL OF THEM KNOW WE ARE THE BEST. They are just too deceitful to actually acknowledge it. Thank you for that video. It’s awesome.
Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.