Was Hitler a Faggot (Gay) or Bisexual?


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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.

[Some foolish old woman on Social media came to me and said Hitler was a faggot or he was bisexual. Which is total crap. Jan]

This is how I replied to others in this regard:
I’ve seen a CIA psychologist talking about Hitler’s sex life which included fetishes of having sex with his mom. Hitler’s mother’s doctor was a JEW and the Jew probably invented all that crap because he spoke to the CIA after WW2. But I’ve read actual biographies written by SEVERAL GERMANS – men and women who spent most of the war WITH HITLER or who spent years with Hitler before the war. Those men and women explain all Hitler’s interactions with women. Some of these people were women who worked for hitler like Christa Schroeder. I repeat: There is ZERO EVIDENCE – ZERO ZERO ZERO evidence that Hitler had any faggot tendencies. When he was a teenager he was crazy for a girl – crazy and shy. Hitler was shy as a young man – shy and very clever. Hitler loved women. The old lady said he had a dirty affair with his niece and was bisexual. All bollocks. He never had sex with his niece. But he did explain why he missed her and how shocked he was when she committed suicide. He explained how he had grown fond of her as she spoke and talked in her girly way and how when she was gone, he realised the horror of the emptiness.

It is JEWISH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PROPAGANDA that Hitler was a sexual weirdo. Evidence for that is ZERO.

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Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan

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