WARNING: Still busy with software changes on this website…
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Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.
Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.
Just a note, I made a bunch of changes to the website for the Alerts email list, but I ran into bugs and I have had to do a major overhaul in addition to what I planned.
So just hang in there… I’m working away… 🙂
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White Shop: Are there products you would like that I don‘t have?
If there are products that you are looking for that I don‘t have on White Shop, then leave a message for me and I will get back to you.
White Shop: Are there products you would like that I don‘t have?
If there are products that you are looking for that I don‘t have on White Shop, then leave a message for me and I will get back to you.