WANTED: All the White men and woman murdered by the JEWS!
Video: GOOD NEWS! All Human Society, including White Nations are inherently UNSTABLE!
Many Whites seem to believe that Western Nations are rigid and that no serious change is possible in them. This is quite a deep discussion about how a nation state really works and why even the most stable appearances are totally misleading.
Whenever I come across a White person who I know was MURDERED by the dirty filthy scum Jews, I like to point that out. We must NEVER FORGIVE and NEVER FORGET those who killed out people, especially when they KILLED the BEST of our people, like those who told the truth and tried to warn us, etc.
Always honour our dead and remember them. There are many who risked their lives and died while trying to help and warn the rest of us.
If you ever come across people who you know or read or found out that they were MURDERED BY THE JEWS, then please drop me a line on the Contact us page or by whatever other method you have of contacting me.
I want all the names that I may have missed. Because I want to inform other Whites.
LOTS have been MURDERED BY THE JEWS! Lots. And I suspect that there are many the Jews murdered that we did not even find out or realise. That gives me the creeps. But I think lots have been killed that we did not realise was the result of the JEWS!
S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.