Video: WW1: One-Man Tank Demonstrated (1914-1918) – My Comments

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INCREDIBLE: Time Magazine admits & boasts about How the US Presidential Election was STOLEN!!!
This is the incredible story they published shortly after the election which names and gives details of the Jew who actually stole the US Presidential Election of 2020. The Jew Michael Avram Podhorzer is the real scumbag who specialises in stealing elections. He was the only one with the money and trade union backing to pull this off.

[I've been fascinated by the idea of small tanks. The Italians created many of them. But in combat they were all a flop. Yet, at first the concept seems sound. I still don't fully understand why they didn't work. They should have had some success. But they didn't. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying
This is an important video I made several years ago where I analysed the Truth vs Lies as a strategy.

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