Video: Whites: Russians being interviewed on the street: Are we losing the War?


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Video: Jews explain that they own and control HISTORY! They will smear their enemies FOREVER
In this video we study something that Jews do behind the scenes. We look at Jews trying to silence someone with a private meeting and threats. I analyse what exactly the Jews say, and what it means. Once you understand this youll realise that Jews have poisoned ALL of WESTERN HISTORY! Youll never view history or the conclusions about anyone in history, the same ever again.

[The feedback from the Russians varies. However, some of them have some deep things to say. I am quite amazed by the young Russian woman who seems to have friends in many places and she says some interesting things. The Russians are very patriotics and they generally believe in themselves. But clearly some have doubts. It is interesting to see how they perceive their situation. It is interesting when they refer to "Modern War" and whether and how you will know if you win or lose! Clearly American Liberalism has seeped into Russia!!! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Hierdie is die Kontak ons-bladsy vir die Boere Staatsparty.

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