Video: WAR IS A RACKET by Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler – FULL AudioBook


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Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.

This is a classic book.

What this US General has to say about the new rich is much like what Hitler said about the Jews during WW1. Same thing. The White man risks his life and the Jews and other scum fill their bank accounts. The White man ends up dead or injured and the Jews and scum run off with all the money.

Here’s the audio:

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A Good Christian Website that exposes Jews, their Lies and Crimes
There is a lot of stuff on here. It‘s a good source.

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