Video: VERY IMPORTANT: Riots Break Out all over the UK: Is British Multiculturalism Dead? – My Comments


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This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.

[The British are really going for it! Wow! Wow! WOW! So impressive. They're not taking shit. But look at the stupid asshole Prime Minister. He's worried about all the minorities and never once even thinks that BRITAIN IS WHITE and Whites have a right to be there. He even mentions the NAZI salutes. So the bottom line is: FIND THE WHITES AND JAIL THEM! What a total asshole he is. But the British politicians are all cut from this same anti-White cloth. Whites have to stand up for themselves everywhere. The British Government pretends that Whites don't exist. White people everywhere are ignored and treated as if they are shit. It's wonderful seeing the White British standing up for themselves in the face of a Government that ignores them as if they are crap. All the stuff about asylum seekers is nonsense. All those non-Whites come from their own ruined countries and now Whites have to take them in. That's all hogwash and a big scam. Jan]

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