Telegram: The (UnOfficial) History Reviewed Channel – Update
Videos ONLY! Follow History Reviewed TV on Telegram
You can watch my videos on your phone! This channel is only for History Reviewed‘s videos!
[The owner of the Channel did put up a message that now says that the views on that Channel might NOT be the same as Jan Lamprecht's views. I was very happy with that. Jan]
I sent the owner and the channel these messages:
Jan Lamprecht, [2024-08-06 4:25 PM]
This is excellent. Thank you. As long as you make it clear that your views are your views and that it might not be my views. Whatever you believe, is none of my business and I will not involve myself in it. Just make 100% sure that people know your views are your views. I believe that Whites must have the freedom to BELIEVE whatever they want to believe. As long as Whites are RACIAL and support others of the RACE – that’s all that matters to me. Thanks.
Jan Lamprecht, [2024-08-06 4:26 PM]
I sent the above note to the Channel owner. All I care about is that Whites support other Whites and that White survival and well-being is the No 1 issue. What else people believe does not matter to me.
Video: Keeping Whites DOWN: Scientific & Historic FACTS that have to be HIDDEN from Whites
This is a very important video that I put a tremendous amount of effort into. I wanted to summarize scientific and historic facts from 40,000 Years of the history of the European (White) race. This is the story of where we come from and how we came to be what we are, and why we are awesome. We look at thousands of years of the effort of our ancestors.