Video: US Army: Football Star Murdered in Afghanistan – Pat Tillman – My Thoughts

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VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.

[My own analysis of what happened is this. Tillman was spotting things that weren't right, e.g. the poppy fields that were not being destroyed. But as someone who has come from the outside of the army, and who has a certain status and is willing to go public with various things, he was moving into dangerous territory. It is clear that he was killed by other Americans. Now the question is whether the military was hiding or covering up something, or whether the military was merely following the orders of the politicians/CIA, etc. I think the military were just doing their job. e.g. They were given orders to kill him … OR, was he killed in RAGE. The nature of the bullet groupings does suggest that rage is not a factor. If he was pissing someone off and they shot him, then it would not look like that. Maybe he was treading deeply into CIA territory for example. The CIA does weird Jewy things. I suspect the troops were just doing what they were ordered to do. But with all the Jewish crap going on in politics and even the CIA, but less so in the military itself, I suspect that the military was told to kill him. He was going to blow something big open, because he was going to meet with people. It's quite a sad story actually. I think his social status, as a famous football player definitely played a role. I feel sorry for the common White soldier. All White soldiers in the West are lied to. They risk their lives for Jews and Politicians who are scum. Jan]

Pat Tillman was a handsome professional football player who walked away from a $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the U.S. Army after the 9-11 terror attacks. He was assigned to an elite U.S. Army ranger unit and participated in the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. In early 2004, he deployed to Afghanistan and was killed. Three Army doctors in Afghanistan who examined Tillman’s body thought he was murdered since he died from three bullet holes to the forehead, which was inconsistent with the explanation of the incident given by ranger officers.

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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
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