Video: UK Minorities (non-Whites) got really SCARED! – UK Rioters vs Counter-Protesters: Britain’s Fault Lines Exposed


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The Boer State Party
From Jan: This is the ONLY political party in South Africa that I will support. I have met their leader and know their history. *ALL* other Political Parties in SA are a total waste of time for Whites. This political party cares about Whites. They say: We fight for our People‘s Freedom and Safe continued existence in the new South Africa!

[The Brits did very well for several days. Now it's as if that has all ended. Now I see large numbers of PRO-Refugee protesters gathered. So all the fools and weaklings came out in numbers. They chanted NAZI scum off our streets. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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AfricanCrisis Archive - 110,000 Articles from 2001 to 2012
This is my archive of my oldest articles, writings and news from my original website which ran from 2001 to 2012. In total, I managed to recover 110,000 articles. You can read them, search them and view them at this link. Just click SEARCH on the top right.

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