Video: Tucker Carlson interview with Putin in English – Proof that Putin is a Kike?


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Video: 2nd Anglo-Boer War: The British Atrocities against the Boers
The 2nd Anglo Boer war is probably the only war where WHITE CHILDREN were the main victims by far! In this video we take a look at the dirty war that the British Army engaged in, in order to crush a tiny army of Dutch-German Farmers (the Boers) here in Africa. We look at photographs and information from that time. We also look at the role of the British Rothschilds and Jews in this war.

[I was sent this link on social media, and the people who forwarded it had this note that this "… proves that Putin is a kike!" I don't know why or how they came to that conclusion, but that was their summary. This is not a high priority for me now, because I have many other more urgent things I need to take care of. If anyone has thoughts or analysis on this, let me know. People forget that the Russians also do PROPAGANDA and Putin has HIS PROPAGANDA. Oliver Stone interviewed Putin several years ago, and I watched that and Putin did not impress me. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 3 of 3
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.

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