Video: To my Niece & Nephew: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japanese
Video: A Lesson for Whites: Technology & War: About Irans New Stealth fighter
I discuss the military and science technology of the Western World versus the Third World, China, Africa, Iran, Latin-America, etc. I specifically look at the claim, by Iran that it has developed a stealth fighter of its own.
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the White Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British who have made it their business to fight whites using non-whites and who have chosen non-whites above that of whites who were of their own blood, their own kith and kin like in Rhodesia.
I wrote this to my niece and nephew both of whom grew up in Rhodesia with me and who as adults, in their late 40’s now, SEETHE WITH ANGER over what happened to us in Rhodesia and who, to this day love Rhodesia and are VERY PROUD of our time there. They now live in South Africa.
This exchange started as a result of Prince Harry, announcing his intention to marry a coloured American actress who is also Jewish. This is what I wrote to my nephew and my niece. I started by mocking the stupid British Royal Family.
Video: 9 Pics: Why the Jewish Rothschilds had to murder South Africas Stephen Goodson!
Dr Peter Hammond, a Christian from Rhodesia and I discussed Stephen Goodson‘s weird death and Goodson‘s last statement to a friend before he died that he was being poisoned!