Video & Audio: Portuguese Angola: RACE WAR: When Whites counter-genocided Blacks
The blacks outnumbered the Portuguese 26:1 in Angola. By the end of the brutal year of 1961, for every 1 white who had been killed, the whites killed 24 blacks! Northern Angola turned into a human desert as the Portuguese killed and chased the blacks out of their territory.
[Look at this! It shows how hated these Jew rats are. When Hamas makes a move and they have some success, Hezbollah is happy to try and get in on the action. I smile at this because these Jews are always telling Whites how we should handle life and everyone else. It seems to me the Jews are much more hated than we ever were. Take note of the low tech of these enemies of Israel. I'm quite impressed with what they are achieving using low tech! All the Jews across the planet might get quite a nice little fright at this!! Isn't it funny that Mosques in Jerusalem are inciting war against the JEWS! This will keep the Jews busy for a While. The Jews have massive force so they'll win. Plus they'll probably be begging America and Germany for a bunch of free aid again. But I'm very impressed with what Hamas has pulled off. The number of Arabs/Muslims in all those countries who HATE the Jews is impressive. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video: Jews102a: Slippery Jews Insurance Fraud
I look at some big insurance frauds that were perpetrated by Jews.