Video: They tried to make an ass-hole out of Mike Lindell but he took it well – MyPillow Mike Lindell’s Interv iew from Inside a Claw Machine


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Video: 50 Years of Race War in southern Africa presented by Jan in Canada
This lecture is JAM PACKED with tons of facts about us Whites in southern Africa and the wars we fought against Black Communists and AGAINST BLACK RULE. We did NOT want to be ruled by Blacks.In this lecture, I show photos and also videos about many of the key things that happened between us and the Blacks. This is primarily a presentation of how we fought wars over decades, even though there were only a few of us.

[I've never really looked at Mike Lindell closely to see how good he is. I know he's a rock solid ally of Trump. On this comedy show, this prick Kimmel truly tried every move to make an asshole out of Lindell, but Lindell came out well. I'll post some of the comments of Americans who watched this. They were very impressed with Lindell. Lindell does not seem to be a bad White man at all. And he fights back. I like him. I've never dug into the background of Kimmell, but he  seems to be a White man whose brain was fried there in New York. I like Lindell. I think he might be more of a fighter than Trump. Not all rich are scum. Most are, but not everyone is a bag of shit. Jan]

Here are some comments from Americans who watched this:
Wow Mike Lindell is awesome. I have major respect for this guy being able to go on national tv like that and willingly be the joke. It shows his character and humility. Major credit to him.

I never thought this joke was going to happen. I like that both Lindells met. So funny

Lindell took that like a champ. Being mocked inside the machine and taking every joke on the chin was priceless. He has to be the most batshit crazy, loveable guy on the internet. You can see Kimmel genuinely likes him as much as he really doesn’t want to.

Honestly big shout out to Mike. I may not agree w everything he says, but he is a genuinely cool guy. Not only can he take a joke, he has a genuine heart.

Here’s the video:

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Video: 1970: Angola: Incredible Portuguese mother beats Black terrorists in a gunfight
In this video I discuss two feats of courage by white civilians during war in southern Africa. The one is a feat by a 16 year old white boy, and the other, much more incredible story is what a 28 year old Portuguese mother did in Angola.

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