Video: The TV Was The Main Medium for 40-50 years: 1999: World Government is Necessary…
Video & Audio: The Mysterious Jewish Tunnels at the New York Synagogue
The Jews were caught unexpectedly at this. Here is an analysis of what we know so far and why I am extremely skeptical about the Jewish stories that relate to this. Note that the Jews even claim that their famous Rabbi is/was the Messiah!
[Here is a nice find from 1999, where they give Walter Cronkite, a TV presenter in the USA an award, and when they do, they speak about WORLD GOVERNMENT being necessary. Here is yet another insight into the crazy thinking of the US Elite. No doubt, this line of thinking originates from JEWISH sources. But this again gives you a small taste of how these people think. When I discuss Professor Quigley, I will explain the WHY portion! WHY do they believe this. This is at the root of all the madness in the USA – bringing non-Whites into the USA en masse and the horrible anti-White attitude. You can watch the video at the link below. It is 16 minutes long. Jan]
"the TV was the main medium for 40-50 years"
Walter Cronkite World Federalist Association – YouTube
WTV: World Truth Videos
I really like these guys. They dare to publish videos that nobody else has the balls to. They are good NS people!