Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 6 – Who was the mysterious Author?
2 Photos: 1892: When White Americans burned a Black man to death for raping a White woman!
White men in the USA used to take no shit. This is what they did to a black who raped a white woman. Whites have a tough, harsh justice system.
I did some real digging into this amazing little book. Who really wrote this book? I disagree with Metapedia and give the reasons why the author can’t be Arnold Leese.
What, if anything can we verify regarding the complex statements in this book?
I discovered another possible proof that this author was right. It concerns the Jewish claim of Solomon’s Stables.
I also revisit my previous discoveries regarding King Solomon’s Temple and The Letter of Aristeas.
What of the strange words used like: shofer, contumely, claque and mummers?
I discuss my Boer Pagan pal’s discovery of “shofar” instead of “shofer”. This makes much more sense with regard to the text.
I track the book back to a defunct publication: The American Gentile.
But that’s not the end… After I did this video I did more digging and was astounded by what I found. So there’s much more to come!!
As my Boer Pagan pal says: “The Great Jewish Mask”, the gift that keeps on giving!!
Video & Audio: Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Do Blacks cause massive climate damage?
Why are there so many droughts in Zimbabwe, almost for 15 years running and now these are impacting South Africas weather patterns like never before.