Video: The GREAT David Irving: SINK THE JEWISH LIES: David Irving – Sink the Auschwitz! (1990)

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Video: 1970: Angola: Incredible Portuguese mother beats Black terrorists in a gunfight
In this video I discuss two feats of courage by white civilians during war in southern Africa. The one is a feat by a 16 year old white boy, and the other, much more incredible story is what a 28 year old Portuguese mother did in Angola.

[This is a wonderful speech given by David Irving in Canada in the early 1990s. Those Whites are healthy people. But Irving came under intense Jewish attack. But he must go down as one of the greatest men of modern times to come out of the UK. He did incredible work. Jan]

Here’s the video:—Sink-the-Auschwitz!-(1990):d

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2005: After White Farmers chased out: A Few White Farmers make Zambia BOOM!!
After Mugabe chased thousands of White farmers away, a few hundred went to other countries including Zambia. Those White farmers made entire countries BOOM!

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