Video: Stock Market Crash of 2008 – The stock market crash that almost destroyed the WORLD’s entire banking system
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White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
[This short video summarises the nastiest event of modern times. I am NOT exaggerating when I say the entire world's banking system nearly went down. This was caused by over-lending to Black Americans for housing and they were the bad debtors. Jan]
Here’s the video:
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White Shop: The best Rhodesian T-Shirt ever: The Rhodesians are coming
This is my all time favourite Rhodesian T-shirt. It‘s absolutely hilarious.
White Shop: The best Rhodesian T-Shirt ever: The Rhodesians are coming
This is my all time favourite Rhodesian T-shirt. It‘s absolutely hilarious.