Video: Silvergate CRYPTO Bank collapses – Definitely linked to the Jewish FTX collapse – My Comments


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[I had been thinking because of all the weird FTX Jew crypto crap, that it would be best to just wait in the wings for a few months while all the shock effects of FTX take place and we see who collapses and who doesn't. In this story they even explain that Silvergate IS a victim of the Jewish FTX crap. Think of this as being like an earthquake with AFTERSHOCKS! This is an Aftershock after the Jewish FTX Earthquake. It may be wise to hang in the wings for a few more months. HOWEVER, Bitcoin, per se, is not that affected really. It will recover and return to normal. What's more concerning is the SVB collapse and the stock markets. That is a separate topic. This is a pretty good analysis in this video. I agree with it. Silvergate's problems ALL relate in one way or another to the stupid Jewish house of cards, FTX. Jan]

Here’s the short video:

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