Video: Professors: Whites Should Commit Suicide to ‘Castrate Whiteness’ – Jews at work


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Dr William Pierces greatest quote: The Destiny of the Race
Dr William Pierce said many great and deep things. But the quote that really hits me in the pit of my stomach is this one.

[America seems to be filled with communist professors, anti-White garbage … and of course Jews. And if these people aren't outright Jews, then they are shills for Jews or under Jewish influence. Jan]

You can watch the short video at the bottom here:

About once a week, we come across a video (watch the video below) that makes us wonder if we’ll ever see a more bizarre video. Then, the next week, we find a video even more bizarre.

Today, we stumbled across a video (watch the video below) of a professor discussing racism that was captured before those who first posted it took it offline.

And, it’s no wonder they took it offline given that the video is of a professor defending another professor’s argument that “white people should commit suicide as an ethical act” as an “opportunity” to “castrate whiteness.”

Let us repeat that in case you thought you read it wrong. Two professors are defending the proposition that because being white is in and of itself racist, “white people should commit suicide as an ethical act” as an “opportunity” to “castrate whiteness.”

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British author asks: What did we win in WW2? 10 Myths (lies) the British believe about WW2!
Im delighted to see the British asking themselves questions about the utterly stupid war they fought, exclusively for the benefit of world Jewry!

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