Video: Nurse in Idaho explains that Covid patients are dying from the treatments, not Covid


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Nurse in Idaho explains that Covid patients are dying from the treatments, not Covid:×1174/UXYw_x0jAG93sre5.mp4?tag=12

She lays it all out well. What she does not say: At this point, many of the good trustworthy people have left the hospitals. Hospital staff, in many cases, consists of those who are not vaxxed but faked they were with exemptions or false papers, or the vaxxed that will soon be dead. Going to the hospital is now a probable death sentence. STAY OUT OF THE HOSPITALS AT ALL COST IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. As time goes on hospitals will be staffed more and more with outright criminals who are "with the program", and the number will keep concentrating until the vaxxed staff is dead. Then all that remains will be serial killers.

That’s the situation we are in, that comment is serious and not exaggerated.

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