Video: Megyn Kelly: How Obama’s Writings Fantasizing About Gay Sex Was Suppressed For Years – OBAMA IS A FAGGOT – My Comments


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Video: Video: Something hillarious happened in Germany recently
I got some really funny film footage from Germany. I discuss how Germans are propagandized and vilified and sent on endless guilt trips to prove how wrong they are and how evil they supposedly were.

[Now they are saying he just FANTASISED! No! He IS A FAGGOT! He has had sex with MEN! He IS a DRUG USER too! He is also a Half-Jew Mixed Race Faggot, Communist, Drug user. That's the truth about Obama. So much has been hidden about this disgusting mixed race anti-White sack of crap Obama. I'm glad Megyn Kelly is trying to get to the truth, but it's still too SOFT. Obama HAS DONE THESE THINGS! It's not just a fantasy in his worthless mind. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Today‘s Map of the Ukraine War: You can Zoom in & also see where the fighting is
This is a map that you can zoom in on. You can scroll around and you can even measure distances.

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