VIDEO: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Jewish academic who is NEVER WRONG on Predictions says: TRUMP WILL LOSE – My Comments


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GoyimTV: About HandSome Truths Shout Outs to Jan Lamprecht of History Reviewed
I want to take a moment to address something that has come up multiple times regarding Handsome Truth of GoyimTV and his shout-outs to me.

[This is the Jewish SOB that I've been very interested in because this MOFO has been brought out by the Jewish New York Times and all the Jewish and Liberal scum to come and tell us how things will go. Now this is very important, and here we have a real chance to test these Jews. This guy has an algorithm that they claim is extremely accurate. However, he has made a mistake in the past predicting an Al Gore win which was not so. But then the Jew claims he was predicting the "popular vote" instead of the winner. I am skeptical. But this Jewish scumbag academic has been used a lot by the MSM. He is a Democrat and he does hate Trump. I was very interested in his predictions and quite some time back I noticed that he had indicated how Trump could be made to LOSE! He stated that something that can work very much against Trump was a SCANDAL, like an Impeachment and that it would help to harm him tremendously. Do you remember the wild nonsense they tried whereby they tried to impeach Trump even there was zero real evidence to go on? I'll bet you that this Jewish shitbag's nonsense was behind that stuff. Then another point in his methodology has to do with UNREST!!!! It now comes out in this video that UNREST is BAD FOR THE PRESIDENT … so now you know why UNREST has been so important this year! I think that what we have here is a Jewish dirtbag academic, whom the Liberals have been turning to, to provide them with an analysis THAT COULD HELP THEM TO (ARTIFICIALLY CREATE) the CONDITIONS THAT WOULD RESULT IN A TRUMP LOSS. Everything this scumbag has been stating, is what the Jews/Liberals/Marxists have been using in order to destroy Trump … including THE ECONOMY AND COVID!!! So all the Jewish weirdness of 2020 is aimed at destroying Trump … from the fake IMPEACHMENT last year to COVID-lockdown economic collapse to BLM ANTIFA UNREST! But, my friends, WHAT IF TRUMP BEATS ALL THE JEWISH ODDS??? I think he will. Watch this video where they rave about this Jewish academic shitbag, and then listen to the Jewish shitbag giving a step-by-step run down on his methodology and why it will lead to a TRUMP LOSS!!! Towards the end of his run down of the points you will see how the Jew twists things. For example he says Trump is charismatic "but only appeals to a very narrow group of people". What GARBAGE! Check it out and see if this Jew is not trying to twist things so that Biden can "Win". And indeed, that is how it turns out. This video was published on 5th August 2020!!! So I thought you should see it because THIS JEW could be proven WRONG right now!!!! So watch it. Jan]

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Video & Audio: The World God created Lessons from Nature for Whites
Here we take a look at nature and what nature is actually like. What is the natural world like and how does it match up with the types of things that Christians believe? How do whites, even white Christians, view the world and nature?

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