Video: Excellent: What Happened To Google Search? – Why is Google not working?


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V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.

[The only thing this guy does not mention is: JEWS JEWS JEWS. But his analysis is excellent. This is good. I have been saying many times that the Internet was very different when it started. It was a whole different world. And like with anything that the common man has access to … the Jews and others come and stuff it up. I hate these big systems like Jewish Facebook and others who now have their own systems. But, I think there is lots of internal censorship on the Internet too, built into Google. And then you also have all the lawsuits that are taking place that are constantly removing videos as well as taking websites down. This is sad. We Whites need to keep the information flowing. We need a WHITE WEB!!! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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White Shop: Adolf Hitlers Beautiful Painting: The Munich Opera House
Much of Hitlers art was created during his time as a struggling artist in Vienna and Munich, where he sold watercolors to support himself. Some of his works are owned by collectors and institutions.

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