Video: Dumb China: Why factories in China are shutting down – Also: INSANE DROUGHT!!!
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Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.
Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.
[This is a hoot. Tons of BAD NEWS from dumb ass Communist China. This is excellent. So much bad news. Wonderful. Jan]
Chinese authorities are being forced to close factories. But this time – it is not because of the pandemic. A new crisis could derail China’s economy.
Here’s the video:
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White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.