Video: AWESOME! American NAZI at city council meeting talks about Jews & does NAZI salute!!


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Video: 2nd Anglo-Boer War: The British Atrocities against the Boers
The 2nd Anglo Boer war is probably the only war where WHITE CHILDREN were the main victims by far! In this video we take a look at the dirty war that the British Army engaged in, in order to crush a tiny army of Dutch-German Farmers (the Boers) here in Africa. We look at photographs and information from that time. We also look at the role of the British Rothschilds and Jews in this war.

[This is just amazing. This White guy knows his legal rights and he told them that if they want to fight him in court, he will take them on. I love the way this White guy said what needed to be said about the filthy kike Jews and the Jewish terrorist organisation known as the ADL. He ended with a NAZI salute and he said "White Power". It is AWESOME!!!! This is fantastic. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Cartoon: S.Africa: In Hell, the Devil said Lets get this party started
Let me explain this cartoon. On the far left is President FW De Klerk, who handed over SA to Black rule ergo hes a traitor....

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