Video & Audio: What Jews know about Whites & it scares them: Jews fear an American Holocaust & Jews leaving Europe!


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100 Reasons the Jew Leo Frank Is Guilty of murdering the White Girl Mary Phagan
The Jews will never stop lying about and defending the filthy Jew Leo Frank. He raped and murdered this lovely young White girl. The White Americans, to their credit LYNCHED him hanged him from a tree. It was a wonderful example of Whites hitting back.

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In this video we spend a lot of time watching Jews and listening to Jews and observing them. You’ll get a chance to see and grasp what it is about us that bothers them. I also look at the way Jews talk about Europe or America and how they perceive the end of Europe or America. What exactly are they saying?

We look at some of the power they have as well as the pathetic nature of their actual characters.

This video was recorded on: 2024-09-06.

A video that I mention is this one: Video & Audio: Only Jews have a direct telephone line to God and they speak to him! –

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Video: STOP FARM MURDERS!!! Black Politicians are directly responsible for Farm Murders!
This is a short video I did which quickly gives you some background into farm murders and why I, and others say that Farm Murders are caused directly by black politicians. Here are many facts about Farm Murders in South Africa that you dont know!

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