Video & Audio: South Africa: The mass riots, violence & killing: Zuma Riots – Initial Analysis


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In this video we discuss the mass riots, arson and even killing which took place in South Africa a week ago. This had to do with the Zuma arrest. The resulting violence and anarchy resulted in the greatest damage that has ever taken place in South Africa in a single series of incidents. This is far worse than the worst that ever took place under Apartheid. The death toll is also extreme, it is about 220 people killed. But the reasons for this are not obvious or clear to people outside South Africa.

This video is an interview with Patrick of Surviving Weimerica. It’s original title is: Surviving Weimerika ep 63 The State of Southern Africa w/ Jan Lamprecht. This show was recorded on 17th July 2021.

In it we discuss my initial information on what is actually happening here.

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