Video & Audio: Britain: Patriotic Talk chat to Jan about S.African violence & teaching Whites
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This is an interview I did with some British guys in 2021, shortly after the MASSIVE July violence by the Blacks. This was the greatest Black violence in the history of South Africa.
We discussed the violence of June 2021 as well as the problems faced in the UK by Whites and how best to teach other Whites.
The post of this by Patriotic Talk can be found here:
Date: 2021/07/26.
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White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Mugs: Mothers Day Mug, Hitler, Hess & many more
However there are a lot of mugs, including 3 poster mugs where you can choose from combinations of posters. In total there are 23+ different variations of these beautiful mugs.
White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Mugs: Mothers Day Mug, Hitler, Hess & many more
However there are a lot of mugs, including 3 poster mugs where you can choose from combinations of posters. In total there are 23+ different variations of these beautiful mugs.