Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency


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European Outlook
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.

This show was recorded on: 2024-08-11.

Here is the link to their Telegram Channel:

Here is their link to Gab://

Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!:

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Video: Human Evolution: What are Jews and why they are VERY DANGEROUS!
We take a scientific look at Jews. I compare their behaviour to that of parasites that live on animals. I look at the behaviour of Whites and Jews in the same was that we would study the behaviour of animals, and we look at actual film footage.

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