Video: 2nd Anglo Boer War: The German movie Europe saw
Der Videokanal des deutschen Helden Horst Mahler
Horst Mahler aus Deutschland hat mir einen Link zu seinem neuen Videokanal geschickt. Verbreiten Sie es gerne weiter. Der Mann ist ein Held. Sie behandelten ihn im Gefngnis sehr schlecht und er verlor seine Beine. Der Mann ist ein Held, der fr die Wahrheit kmpft!
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This is the most pro-Boer movie I have ever come across. Boers are normally depicted by the British/Jewish/Americans as retards and fools. But here is a movie made by the Germans during WW2 which show the Boers as a very brave, honest, upright people who are willing to DIE for their principles rather than surrender.
Few people know that Adolf Hitler as a young man was deeply interested in the Boers and that he spoke about them later when he was the Chancellor of Germany.
Dr Goebbels approved this movie which describes the Anglo-Boer war and the history of the Boers. It was shown across Europe. Some of the best actors and actresses in Germany had roles in this movie. This movie is the greatest tribute ever paid to the Boers and it comes from the Germans in WW2.
Video: Creativity: Ben Klassens Autobiography: Against the Evil Tide
At the beginning of this book, I discuss why I think its excellent and some of the things that blew me away and impressed the hell out of me. This book is very long, but you can randomly listen to any part of it.