VERY IMPORTANT: The Hamas Vs Israel war is SMALL – Why is there so much noise and shrieking about a LONG WAR?


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I must put this Hamas attack on Jewish Israel in perspective. This may be impressive from a guerilla perspective, but this is SMALL. This is tiny. This does NOT warrant all the howling and screeching about getting 300,000 Jews called up for the army. That Hamas attack, was carried out by perhaps a few thousand Hamas at the most. Maybe even by just 2,000 or 3,000 people. These are my best guesses. Now everyone is talking as if this is a World War.

But this stuff is TINY. This is NOTHING like the scale of the Ukraine war for example where you have hundreds of thousands of men fighting day and night along a front that is 1000 Km long.

This stuff in Jewish Israel is itsy bitsy small. It does NOT threaten the Jewish state. Now America is there with it’s biggest aircraft carrier and now all the commentators are talking about the LONG WAR. But this is small stuff.

Gaza is not that big. It is 2 million people in an area 40 km x about 9 Km. It is easy to surround it and contain them.

Hezbollah, which is about 100,000 strong and a much tougher nut to crack has not yet gone into the fight.

I really don’t see anything that requires all this howling about war, war, war when it’s such a small scale. The IDF will destroy Hamas in a short space of time.

But everyone is acting as if this is a huge issue. It is NOT. It is a small military attack, IT IS NOT A THREAT TO THE EXISTENCE OF JEWISH ISRAEL!

It seems to me Jews are just screeching like crazy for nothing – as usual.

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