
Jan‘s Advertisement
Video: The Greatest Terrorist attack on South Africa: SAA Flight 295: The Helderberg 1987
I wrote about The destruction of this Boeing 747 in my book Government by Deception. I made a multi-part video about it. I am fully aware of the junk stories people claim about it. I stand firmly by my original analysis.

[Just got this from Germany! The German author speaks here of Jews and also of their Freemason dregs. It discusses the treacherous Polish Jewess Merkel, who administers Germany badly and carries out a policy for the DESTRUCTION OF GERMANY! I have no doubt that Germany is deliberately as badly administered as America is deliberately badly administered by the Jews for their own benefit. I would very much like the Germans to break their fetters and be free, as I would like the Boers and whites in South Africa to be. When I look at the world and speak to other whites, I can tell you that we all want the same thing. We all think the same. The only problem our breed has demonized is those parasite scum that have taken control of the top – and that control everything at the top. Our enemies rule us. Our enemies do everything they can to ensure our failure. Our enemies hate us and want to destroy our race and our nations. You work for the destruction not only of Germany and America, but for all whites in all western nations. Jan]

Friends, critics and fellow thinkers – dear Captain Pichlo!

I don’t agree with Benno Schaub’s worldview any more than Inges VV’s:

Why? Both points of view deny reality and are utopian impossibilities.

The VV believes it can "negotiate" a legal solution to regain Germany’s sovereignty on the basis of Zion’s "UN Human Rights". A completely ludicrous request, given the efforts of the human criminals who want to rule our world alone and without nations and for this purpose plan to murder 7 billion people by euthanasia.

German women and all other civilians in our homeland were able to experience first hand what international treaties and conventions for the protection of human dignity are worth when it comes to Germans. The millionfold murder of the bomb victims and the barbarically raped and tortured to death women and girls in the eastern provinces should suffice as evidence that we no longer have any chance of self-determination on a "contractual basis" with the perpetrators of that time. Why should they even talk to us about it? For them, the status quo is the best of all worlds. The people completely stupid and in bondage for Israel and the Soros EUrokrature, shortly before the DNA death by spike proteins? No strength to resist – the ideal situation – no negotiation required! Would a hyena negotiate whether the bone could be removed from its mouth again?

The vaccination of at least half of the current population with the lethal injection (our children’s reproductive ability is sprayed away and their future and the future of the whole people destroyed) and the simultaneous flooding of the homeland with currently around 25 million bush fighters and terrorists without civilization (who all of them -inclusive provision from our tax money) brings us to the goal of Merkel’s "Vision 2050":

From 2025, according to OECD planning, we will have to feed around 20 million unemployed with the help of globalization and digitalization and from 2050, thanks to constant flooding with fertile foreign peoples, the organic Germans will be a minority in their own country and the invaders will take over for good the power in our country. So much for the peaceful perspectives from the VV dream world.

Only one thing should be noted about Benno Schaub’s visions:

Of course, I can just make entire periods of history disappear from the history books (if I have the power to do so or the power helps me to do so). We have been practicing this for 1,000 years. To try to generate artificial pseudo-legal claims with this sleight of hand, however, requires self-hypnosis to the point of complete denial of reason.

The so-called "The Federal Constitutional Court" clearly formulated the winning slogan "The German Reich did not perish on May 8th 1945 …….." Which German Reich survived May 8th 1945? At that time there was only one German Reich, which might or might not go under. Trying to chain oneself to Bismarck’s constitution reveals a high degree of denial of reality. The NS government has been confirmed twice with the highest possible democratic legitimation and has established the last constitutional state in the German Reich in a completely legitimate and sovereign manner. That this constitution did not please the war conspirators does not mean, however, that it did not exist. After Benno Schaub’s historical looping backwards, today’s Russia would have to return to the tsarist order because the Bolsheviks overthrew the tsarist empire "illegally under international law". I can hear Putin laughing all the way here if someone made this request.

Incidentally, this Bismarckian constitution does not have a single basic democratic element. Georg Friedrich von Hohenzollern – the Prussian heir to the throne – has already made it publicly clear in response to the request that has been made to him on many occasions that he cannot identify any heir to be assumed.

Benno Schaub knows the Swiss Confederation very well. Why does he not pursue the establishment of a German Confederation – omitting all elements that stand in the way of a true democratic basic order? I am fed up with feudal rule by the treacherous, corrupt hereditary aristocracy as much as I am fed up with the Zionist-cabbalist-communist criminal clique, which has its headquarters in Davos, among other places, and who always decreed the latest "world leaders" to western sham democracies ( from Merkel, Spahn, vdLeyen, Baerbock etc.). Remember Seehofer, who once had a lucid moment in his long political "career" when he made public on GEZ-TV that elections are completely stupid because "the elected have nothing to determine and those who decide will not chosen". What else does the German electorate need to know?

I could now expand hundreds of pages with ideas for a more just social order. Only this much should be said and what I know 100% and in the deepest depths of my consciousness: The internationally intertwined and related aristocratic cliques and criminal lodge brothers in all the Zionist organizations and NGOs that have only one goal, namely the kabbalistic world -Individual rule with the extermination of the white European civilized peoples are out of the question for me as a future solution. On the contrary – we still have a tribunal open, which has been waiting since Theodor Körner’s heroic death in 1813 to atone for the guilt of the treacherous old and new aristocracy in the people. They always swam as fat eyes on the sausage soup, no matter what social changes occurred – the upcoming great world reorganization of the peoples will hold them accountable! They won’t get away this time!

Salvation greetings!

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Video: Whites: Power Politics: How to have tea with the Queen
The vast majority of Whites don‘t understand how POWER really works. This is an introduction to power politics and how the world REALLY WORKS.

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