VERY ANGRY WHITE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN: 1 day summary of KikeRat atrocities against Whites…


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[An American I know sent me this summary of 1 day of Jewish anti-white garbage. Here is a really angry White Christian. He's cursing and is furious. Eventually all Whites will have to stand up for themselves. We cannot allow things to continue on like this endlessly. Jan]

Ok folks, this is long but then I’m done for today absent something actually drastically changing(which it won’t unless it’s a sudden change for the worse because we are ameriCUNTS in league with the devil). There are 8 links below but I’ll summarize them all right here and ill also email this out for yall whose emails i have…

o So, 1st folks, we have another satanic kikerat funded prosecutor(by george soros) trying to imprison a Texan man for righteously slaughtering a 30yr old nigger career criminal while the nigger was in the middle of an armed robbery(great video of this hero pumping NINE rounds into this never to re-offend monkey !! Lol). This filthy nigger was released from prison after only 5 years after committing his LAST MURDER(very last in fact !! Lol). This nigger was released from prison by the same kikerat funded prosecutor who is now trying to imprison the good samaritan white guy who blew this piece of shit niggers hollow head apart. So tell me folks, how is this NOT a kikerat genocide operation by george soros and his fellow kikerats EVERYWHERE ?? Somebody please explain this to me.

o 2nd, along the same lines but across the Atlantic ocean, we have 2 male trannies in the miss Germany pageant. Does pushing sodomy and sexual mutilation of kids before breeding age maintain or increase white birth rates ?? Obviously not. It REDUCES white birthrates(as does the promotion of non-white dating/breeding). So this isn’t part of a genocide plan either apparently, right ?

o 3rd, Morgan Stanley investments own experts are saying that stock prices will drop another 25%. Who is causing this drop and loss of wealth ?? Kikerat bankers are causing it through inflation and war. Does this wealth destruction of the white middle class by the kikerats encourage white child bearing age parents to have children ?? Of course it doesnt. It scares them into NOT having children or into at least having fewer children and at a later date.

o 4th, "baked alaska"(who I’m not a particular fan of), who was with some of us at the Jan 6th "Trumps Grand Pussy-out Event" got 2 months in prison for being a journalist there.

Folks, any of the hundreds(or thousands)of kikerat journalists get any time in jail for covering a year worth of BLM riots ??

Nope. So is it me or does there seem to be a certain theme running here with these kikerats ??

o 5th, again across the Atlantic, the satanic kikerat zelenski is stripping the leader of the 2nd biggest political party in the ukraine of his ukranian citizenship(as well as many others). satanic Kikerat zelenski already banned all opposition parties to his own. Yet the americunt kikerat media calls the ukraine a "democracy" ?!?! What ?!?!
Yall let’s ask ourselves a quick question. If these SAME SATANIC KIKERATS win the war against Russia and then control the entire globe under their new world order, and then they imprison every white who stops a crime thats being committed by a nonwhite, and then they strip every remaining white dissident of their citizenship; where does everybody go(who isn’t already in prison) when they have no citizenship ??

Any answers folks ??

Let me yell you.

They’ll go to the same place that Russian whites and Christians went to when the EXACT SAME TRIBE OF SATANISTS CONTROLLED RUSSIA BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN. ALL these normal white people will go to either SUMMARY EXECUTION or TO THE GULAGS.

The entire lie of the "nazi hollowhoax" is meant to obscure who the REAL MASS MURDERERS WOULD BE IN OUR TIME, SO THAT WE DONT SEE THEM COMING.

Folks, satans troops(his children the kikerats) are imprisoning us, slaughtering us, and stripping us of citizenship EVERYWHERE THAT THEY ARE IN CONTROL ON THE EARTH AS I TYPE THIS. All of this here that I’m typing about is but ONE DAY of news covering satanic kikerat atrocities !!!(And I didn’t even mention the Palestinians.)

So would some karen/aren/or other PLEASE explain to me how/why supposedly sane white people cant see this ??

Or better question… Why do supposedly sane whites REFUSE to ADMIT THIS SATANIC KIKERAT REALITY when its their own children that will be next to get (1) murdered by the kikerats or their savages, (2) be imprisoned by the kikerats for defending themselves against savages, or (3) be stripped of citizenship and be sent to a gulag ??And folks, when the kikerats control ALL of the globes money and ALL nations borders, you aren’t going to be able to move anywhere else once you have your citizenship stripped. Once your citizenship is stripped you will be effectively dehumanized and will then be sent to a REAL death camp(a bolshvik/kikerat death camp), not a made-up nazi death camp.

o So in #6 yall can watch another young pretty, but gullible, white girl collapsing on TV from the kikerats other mass murder scheme through their control of the pharmaceutical industry and the government("The Vax Stab Boogie" is becoming the hottest new dance !! And she got 3 stabs to help her perform it authentically !! And she did !! She performed it PERFECTLY !! But she has one more FINAL performance of it left to go !!).

o Then we have #7 a tamil(nonwhite asiatic) British pop star admitting that she’s being bullied and completely erased for simply saying that, "Jesus is real." Folks, DO I REALLY EVEN HAVE TO SAY WHOS BEHIND THIS attack on this non-white Christian girl ?!?! Yep I do. Its the filthy Christ-HATING satanic kikerats.

o And then FINALLY coming in at #8 is one of the big shot satanic kikerat congress-critters himself, Adam SHIT(shiff) as he further prepares his 3rd world hordes for what they must soon do, ie genocide the whites completely BECAUSE WE ARE INHUMAN AND WE ARE TERRORISTS. Look at shits comments here to his fellow congress-critters. Click the link after perusing the others. I DARE YALL to actually look at these links(at least on commercial breaks during monkey-ball).

These satanic bloodthirsty parasites(the kikerats) are 1.8% of our population and yet they are causing this much death and destruction to whites and Christians both here and across the entire globe !!

So karens and arens, what EXACTLY are these spawn of the devil up to if its not white/Christian genocide ?? Folks, I’m waiting for an answer…

And shouldn’t a karen, aren, or marlene somewhere have an answer ??

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Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.

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