Usury: Do Jews charge other Jews Interest?


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White Shop: Celtic Cross with Odal Runes Pendant
It measures: 1.5x1.5, black neck cord included.

[This is from a discussion with someone. This shows us, yet again, that Jews have Rules for Jews and Rules for NON-JEWS. Jan]

The lady wrote:-

Remember when I asked about jews not charging interest to other jews. I didn’t find the one I was looking for, but today I found this:

Some rabbis say it isn’t kosher to borrow from Quicken Loans — because it’s run by Jews BY BEN SALES MAY 1, 2018 12:57 PM –

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What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.

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