US: 44% of Voters Believe ‘Right Wing Media’ Stoke Racial Fear


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Only a third of voters believe former President Barack Obama made racial relations better in America, but a larger percentage agree with his claim that “right wing media” are frightening white people about demographic changes.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with Obama’s recent statement that “certain right wing media venues … [are] stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America and seeing demographic changes.” Thirty-two percent (32%) of voters disagree with that statement and 24% say they’re not sure.


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Pic: AWESOME MEME: 1934 Machine Guns When White Society was responsible Gun Laws
Whites have never been babies. We do many dangerous things without even thinking about it. In 1934, even a child could order a machinegun by mail order. There were zero school shootings back then.

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