Unbelievable levels of attack on HistoryReviewed…


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Video: How America built UFOs
This video is about military secrecy. We study a documentary from 2011 when a lot of Area 51 information was declassified and when some people, including a high level CIA official were allowed to speak.I discuss my time when I was young when I was in the South African Navy and I handled Secret and Top Secret files and how these things work in real life.

Whenever I make progress, I come under attack, and the extent of the attacks at the moment is insane. Look at the latest attack counts, especially the Critical threats for a single day:

Daily activity report for: https://historyreviewed.best/
Date Range Processed: Yesterday, July 28, 2020

Blocked threats: 305 (critical: 210, high: 54, medium: 41)
Blocked brute-force attacks: 0

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Jan‘s Videos about the Portuguese
Here is a list of most (but not all) of my videos about the Portuguese...

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