Julie Powell: 49-year-old New York food writer calls the non-vaccinated lunatics and assholes, dies 10 months after mRNA booster shot


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2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
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[At the source URL you'll see lots of tweets and photos. It's pretty interesting. This was a disgusting woman. Jan]

November 4, 2022

OLIVEBRIDGE, NEW YORK — A 49-year-old New York adulterous food writer is dead after bashing non-vaccinated people on Twitter for nearly a year.

Mrs. Julie Powell is best known for her 2005 book Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen. The book was originally a blog published on Salon.com. Mrs. Powell aimed to cook all 524 recipes in author Julia Child’s 1961 best-selling book Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year. Ms. Child passed away in 2004 at age 91, one year before Mrs. Powell’s book was published. Ms. Child was apparently unimpressed with Mrs. Powell’s work.

Judith Jones was Ms. Child’s editor.

Jones said in a July 20, 2009 Publisher’s Weekly interview:

“Julia said, ‘I don’t think [Julie Powell is] a serious cook.’ Flinging around four-letter words when cooking isn’t attractive, to me or Julia. She didn’t want to endorse it. What came through on the blog was somebody who was doing it almost for the sake of a stunt. She would never really describe the end results, how delicious it was, and what she learned. Julia didn’t like what she called ‘the flimsies.’ She didn’t suffer fools, if you know what I mean.”

The interview was controversial. But Ms. Jones repeated the foregoing sentiments and anecdotes in a follow-up interview with Slashfood the next day. Julie Powell and Julia Child never met; and apparently Mrs. Powell never even attempted reaching out to Ms. Child while writing the blog. Julia Child did not like Julie Powell, and wouldn’t have wanted to meet her anyway. Critics were not impressed with Powell’s book either.

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The 2009 film “Julie and Julia” is an adaptation of both Powell’s book and Child’s 2006 posthumously-published autobiography My Life in France. Meryl Streep played Julia Child, while Amy Adams played Julia Powell.

The film was written and directed by Nora Ephron, of “When Harry Met Sally” and “Sleepless in Seattle” fame. “Julie and Julia” was a box office success, grossing nearly $130 million, more than three times its production budget. Streep was nominated for an Academy Award (Best Actress) for her role in the film.

Julie Powell published her second book, Cleaving: a Story of Marriage, Meat, and Obsession, in 2009. Critics, again, did not like it because Powell glorified her extramarital affairs and treating her husband like crap. She particularly talked a lot about the sex with her lover in the book. Her husband, Mr. Eric Powell, ended up having an affair himself, apparently just to get even. The couple married in 1998 and remained married until Mrs. Powell’s death.

From cheating, foul-mouth wife to vile mask and vaxx zealot

Mrs. Powell received her second Pfizer mRNA injection in May 2021.

She seemed to have no ill-effects from the first two injections. Mrs. Powell received a booster shot on December 24, 2021.

She reported pain throughout her body on June 10, 2022.

Mrs. Powell then reported a rash on July 12.

At this point, she started taking her deteriorating health out on the non-vaccinated, calling them untrustworthy, lunatics and assholes, on July 14.

By August 24, she suspected that she had cancer.

Mrs. Powell articulated her desire for a second booster shot on September 19. Doctors of course dismissed her deteriorating health as so-called COVID-19 (which of course netted said doctors the $13,000 bounty). Thus Mrs. Powell and “the other one” (apparently her husband) had to wait until December for more synthetic mRNA.

Her condition steadily worsened. Mr. and Mrs. Powell were both sick again by October 8.

Mrs. Powell’s final tweet was on October 25 at 4:22 p.m. She woke up with a “black hairy tongue.”

Mrs. Powell passed away the next day, October 26, in her home. Mr. Powell said the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

At least she knew who she was in the end

Vaxx zealots are, by far, the most obnoxious, intolerable people on Earth. There are two other types of people this blogger has no respect for: self-hating Black Americans and self-hating White Americans.

Politifact has already written its propaganda post, declaring Mrs. Powell did not die because of the mRNA injections. That is exactly what said website is paid to do. But the booster shot ate Mrs. Powell alive from the inside out, just like in numerous other cases covered on this blog.

The slow kill mRNA formula has been in full circulation since August 2021. We’ve posited many times that a lot of people received placebos prior to that. It’s plausible that Mrs. Powell’s first two injections were placebos. The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) removed the original mRNA and viral vector DNA shots (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) from mainstream circulation because they were killing too many people way too fast. The genocide would have become obvious even to the most loyal, ardent vaxx zealots had the changes not been made.

That’s why we rarely write those stories anymore of vaxxed people dying within hours, days and weeks. The slow kill formula allows Politifact, Reuters, NBC, etc. to tell the sheep that the time between the mRNA injections and death means the “vaccines” could not have caused the death. But that is the exact purpose of the mRNA injections – slow kills. Right now most “vaccine deaths” are 10 to 12 months after booster shots, or 12 to 18 months after being “fully vaccinated” with two mRNA injections, two AstraZeneca or one Johnson & Johnson viral vector. The shots are very effective for their intended purpose.

Mrs. Powell cheated on her husband for years, and bragged about it in a published book. She called this blogger and most of the people who read this blog lunatics and assholes. Ms. Julia Child, the woman Mrs. Powell used as the foundation of her entire writing career (see TheCOVIDWorld.com), didn’t like her and had no desire to meet her. Critics despised Mrs. Powell’s books. But this is the type of “modern woman” that is rewarded by corporate America and mainstream/social media. Foul-mouthed, adulterer, no kids, self-proclaimed feminist. She checks every box.

It’s best to use Mrs. Powell’s own words to conclude this article. She experienced a mea culpa two weeks before her death.

Source: https://thecovidblog.com/2022/11/04/julie-powell-49-year-old-new-york-food-writer-calls-the-non-vaccinated-lunatics-and-assholes-dies-10-months-after-mrna-booster-shot/

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