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Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
This is part 1 of the 6 part series I did on The Great Jewish Mask.

All this Jew/Liberal crap about Trump and how he broke the law regarding classified material.

Here’s a very short video where you can hear Trump speaking to someone about classified material:

We will need to see if they can prove in court that Trump showed classified documents to people who did not have the SECURITY CLEARANCE to see them. It might be possible that he might be punished for this.

Let’s assume he did show it to people who were not supposed to see it. This is a very real possibility.

Let me explain why Trump is awesome. I made an interesting discovery about Donald Trump. People who worked for him said that in his normal business life that he ALWAYS had the habit of carrying BOXES OF DOCUMENTS WITH HIM EVERYWHERE HE GOES. From what I could grasp, Trump did this as a means of WINNING ARGUMENTS AND CONVINCING PEOPLE QUICKLY. In other words, by having various documents with him as PROOF of whatever he is discussing or saying, HE QUICKLY CHANGES PEOPLE’S MINDS! It’s a slam dunk.

From what I can grasp, he may have been using classified documents in the SAME WAY. I think that Trump was using those documents so that he could quickly begin educating people and changing their minds so that they would do things and support things that he wants them to do or support.

Why would he do this? Well, if he just told people with his mouth, THEY WOULD ARGUE WITH HIM. But, if he hauls out an actual classified document – then it’s SLAM DUNK.

It is possible that this was Trump’s strategy to win people over that he needed to win over so that they would cooperate with him.

I think he was using it as a "teaching method" to people he needed who otherwise would be listening too much to CNN and would not grasp REALITY.

This is my assessment of the matter. I think he could be guilty, but I think that he did everything for the good of America.

THE PEOPLE HE WAS SHOWING THESE DOCUMENTS TO WERE AMERICANS! It’s not like he was showing it to Putin or to Xi or some enemy of the state. He was showing it to Americans he trusts.

I think that is what he was up to and that he did not do any harm to America. However, TECHNICALLY and LEGALLY, maybe he is "guilty" but MORALLY he is trying to save America as best he can.

For me this shows me that Trump is a real MOVER and SHAKER behind the scenes to a higher degree than we know.

I’m liking the way Trump is fighting back. Putin’s entire Ukraine war strategy is based on the notion that Trump might be back as President. That might be a sign that he thinks Trump still stands a chance. I would LOVE to see Trump running again.

As I pointed out in another audio book about Trump that I put out many months ago, that Trump’s real issue is that he is a LOOSE CANNON and that is making the ELITE LOSE THEIR MINDS. It does not matter if Trump is not a NAZI or racist. His LOOSE CANNON STUFF is enough to totally screw up so many things.

For example, the first thing Trump did when he walked into the White House was that he shafted that evil NAFTA law that Clinton created! By doing that, Trump has kicked off DE-GLOBALISATION which is still continuing and is leading to serious problems for China, etc.

We don’t have a racist who can get into the White House, but Trump does so much damage anyway, that much of it will benefit White America.

I do NOT like the way Trump brought Blacks and other Muds into the GOP. But, I’d rather see Trump in the White House than anyone else. Trump is wild and he’s IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL. That’s good enough.

But I am still concerned about whether the (((Elite))) can mess with the elections. The 2020 election was rigged by a JEW who has massive power in Trade Unions.

Let’s watch. 2024 will be interesting.

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Video: How Sexual Blackmail works: Australian Jew Abe Saffron, the original Epstein
I take a look at an Australian Jew whose parents were Russian Jews, who was the original Epstein. This Jew was a criminal of note, and in Australia he was known as Mr Sin. His specialty was sexual blackmail.

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