This is what modern Jews look like…
Video: We Jews own EVERYTHING! JEWS103A: When Jewish Chameleons boast
Here I have film footage of a Jew boasting about what they own!
[Jews intermarry a lot, and Jews have intermarried a lot with Europeans and British and I’ve found here in South Africa that there are many Jews who don’t look like the way you expect the hook-nosed Jew to look. Here are some examples I found to show you how Jews have infiltrated (racially) into many European-looking whites. I found this boycott image which Jews made up to show their “diversity” (among whites). I found in South Africa that there are stacks of Jews; in fact most Jews; look White and look European. It makes it hard to find them and spot them in normal society. I once worked in a department at the bank and there was a Jew working there. I did not know he was a Jew for several years! I saw the guy every day, and greeted him but never suspected he was a Jew. It was at least about 6-7 years later that I heard him mention something to someone that I then twigged this guy must be a Jew. Then upon closer inspection I realised that this guy was a real Jew. But you’d never suspect it just by looking at him. He had a really BIG build and looked totally European. And there are many like that in South Africa.
So whites must take much more notice of people around them. You’d be surprised at how many Jews might be right under your nose and you won’t realise it. Jan]
S.Africa: Oprahs Embarrassing Girls school could end up expelling more
One of the Black girls was sent to Tara Hospital which is basically a mental institution. Oprahs, school had many problems... later they just did everything in secret and there‘s a lot of security. It still exists.