The WAITING GAME: Psychological warfare against Whites? … or just bad luck… ALWAYS …
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White Shop: Hitlers Regard for Mothers: 1st Issue Mothers Cross Silver for 6-7 Children
The silver issue of the Mothers Cross was awarded to German mothers with 6 or more children, as a Fuhrergeschenk a gift from the Fuhrer.
White Shop: Hitlers Regard for Mothers: 1st Issue Mothers Cross Silver for 6-7 Children
The silver issue of the Mothers Cross was awarded to German mothers with 6 or more children, as a Fuhrergeschenk a gift from the Fuhrer.
[One of our activists was making a big story about AIDS and how fast it is killing blacks. I then sent him an email with my comments in it. Jan]
I wrote this to the activist:-
The other big problem however, is that one is basically POWERLESS and you’re always sitting back and WAITING for our enemies to collapse.
While our enemies indeed have many many problems, and this is one of them, the other is that the Jew is constantly, ACTIVELY preventing the COLLAPSE of our enemies.
We could remain in this state for the next 100 years…
I used to place a lot of HOPE IN WAITING… 30 years ago… I’ll die from old age and we’ll still be waiting.
This is a basic acknowledgement, a tacit one that we are basically POWERLESS.
I decided to later send my reply to the activist to Alex Linder for his consideration. This is what I wrote to Alex:-
Hi Alex,
xxx was crowing about AIDS killing blacks – which I have no problem with – and its definitely not effective enough. (FW De Klerk made a big thing out of it too). The Afrikaners thought Aids would just slaughter the blacks.
But see my comments below, because there is also a psychological warfare angle to it and that angle is that whites (especially Christians) are ALWAYS WAITING … and WAITING … until we die of old age.
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Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.
Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.