The Saddest thing about the White Right – The weird rejection of good solid White Science and Technology


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The Incredible Hero: David Irving - Truth Telling Historian
I have tremendous respect for David Irving. This British man did the most incredible work doing research and telling the truth about Hitler, the NAZIS and Germany. He‘s very old now. Download everything you can from his website and if possible buy his books and support him. This is the most incredible man to come out of Britain in modern times.

The saddest thing I’ve seen in the White Right is when Whites reject solid scientific knowledge and achievements and also shy away from fantastic technology.

I can understand where the rejection of science comes from. A long time ago I did a video called "Jew Shock: When Whites go Wonky". I explained how, when I also did not believe in anything, and was skeptical of everything, that I also did not trust science – or anything.

Lots of other Whites go through this same process. I think it may be a natural reaction to the realisation that there are so many ENORMOUS LIES and so people become skeptical of everything. Sadly, this also means being skeptical of or rejecting things that are actually awesome.

It’s a process. The problem is that you then live in a very tricky world where you have to figure out what you can trust and what you can’t.

This is because Jewish lies and crap have caused you to lose faith in everything. I understand the process.

There is a LOT of history and science that is quite fine actually.

So don’t give up on everything. Hang in there. Just keep on trying to refine your judgement. You will get better. You will get used to navigating Jewish lies.

We will win. Just keep on trying and doing your best. We’ll come through this fine.

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Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.

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