The Latest News on Aryan Hero David Irving’s health


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[I'm happy to hear that he's being properly cared for. He has done magnificent work. It pleases me that the Aryan Hero David Irving is still alive and that the King of the Jews, Jacob Rothschild is STILL DEAD!!! Yep, he's not being raised from the dead! Jan]


We have been very touched by the messages of support that we have
received since informing you about David’s poor health. [3]

We would like to update you on his condition and extend our gratitude to
everyone who has donated and to those that have sent well wishes. With
the help of contributions [4] received, we have been able to secure care
to meet David’s needs.

Donations have ensured David is comfortable, significantly contributing
to keeping him in a stable condition. It is a relief to us all to know
that he is receiving the quality care he deserves.

We are also glad to dispel rumours about David’s demise. Please be
assured that he is still with us, battling on and showing characteristic
determination in his will to live. We can report that his spirit remains
unbroken. We have all been moved, and he has been buoyed by the
heartwarming messages of support and encouragement which he has

With regards to David’s legacy, we are making steady progress in
ensuring his contributions to history are preserved. Work is being done
to get Churchill’s War, Volume III [5] released, which was almost
ready for publication when David became unwell.

For those of you wishing to purchase Nuremberg [6], this is being
reprinted and will be available at the end of March/early April of this
year. We are also looking into creating audiobooks and finding other
innovative ways to ensure his invaluable work remains accessible to all
and can be enjoyed by all.

Your support has been instrumental in helping with David’s medical
costs as well as bringing the above-mentioned plans to fruition.

We are pulling together as a family to make sure he is as well as can be
expected and are immensely encouraged by the gestures of kindness
received from David’s audience and fans. It is clear that you care
about the man, as well as his work.

Thank you for standing with us. We will keep you updated on David’s
condition and our progress in ensuring his legacy endures. Your
generosity and support have made all the difference.

We are happy to share a special photo taken by one of his daughters in
April 2023 above.

Warmest regards,
The Irving Family

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