The Jew Rat Sam Bankman-Fried and his little crowd are like characters from The Big Bang Theory


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Get a Free PDF Book: White Power (1967) by George Lincoln Rockwell
This is the original book written by the late, great George Lincoln Rockwell, the US Navy Pilot who founded the American NAZI Party.Rockwell was the most determined White American who lived in modern times. He was patriotic to America and totally patriotic to the White Race. He supported Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. The Jews sent snipers to kill him and on the 2nd attempt they killed him.

[One American lady made this brilliant observation which I totally agree with regarding the Jew rat and his kids on FTX. Yes they're just like that Jewy geeky, nerdy comedy show. Jan]

She wrote: They’re like characters from The Big Bang Theory.

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STORMFRONT: A VERY DETAILED HISTORY OF THE JEWS - including Quotes from the Talmud
This is an excellent read, with LOTS of QUOTES.

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