The Great Englishman: Sir Oswald Mosely the Fascist discusses the Evil Mass Media
In Israel Legislators Introduce a Bill to Punish Christians who Tell People about Jesus. They want to jail them!
[This is a brilliant quote from Mosley. I’ve not studied him. But he was a British fascist in the days before John Tyndall was a British NAZI who then later became a white nationalist. So Britain has indeed produced white men who were intent on trying to fight for their race, but in Jewish Britain, the White man who loves his race always loses. I strongly suspect the Jews are behind that.
Here are some extremely wise words of wisdom and truth about the filthy disgusting Mass Media. These are my views as well these days. The MSM is nothing more than the propaganda of a handful of rich. It has nothing to do with the truth. Its worse actually than having the MSM in the hands of Govt. Its a total nightmare. We whites must defeat and destroy the MSM or it will destroy us. Jan]
Video: The US Government Revoked my VISA and stopped me getting on the plane to the USA
On 30th April, 2024, I was due to get on a plane to the USA. This is a short video about my bizarre experience that day.