The Goyim Gazette – Can it be trusted?
White Shop: Adolf Hitlers Beautiful Painting: The Munich Opera House
Much of Hitlers art was created during his time as a struggling artist in Vienna and Munich, where he sold watercolors to support himself. Some of his works are owned by collectors and institutions.
I was looking at a website with tons of Jew exposing stuff. It is run by Jews it seems.
I published a very thorough article on the Talmud from there.
It has good photos and good stuff. BUT, as with all Jews, even these Jews are busy with their own stuff. Jews are always Jewing … as Tan Staafl of The Age of Treason says.
These Jews seem to be out to ultimately grab you back into the "Abrahamic religions".
There are some angles on that website that I definitely don’t trust because they’re messing with your head. For example, they then begin telling you that real Jews are NOT JEWS. Which is just nonsense. This is sort of along the lines of "Jews for Jesus" type of angle.
You can browse the website here:
But just be aware that these are "Good Jews" and you can’t trust them.
Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.