The Exodus of Jews from the Muslim World – My Comments


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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.

[This article is also quite self-serving with the story of the maltreated Jews … the innocents who are always badly treated, boo hoo and lots of tears. I really don't think any of these expulsions are nearly as bad as the crybaby stories try to portray them as. The fact that so many Jews are still living in so many Arab and North African countries surely does not mean it is such a hell. Consider that 80,000 Jews live in Egypt which was once at war with Israel. If the Egyptians were truly out to sort out the Jews they could have kicked all 80,000 out! I think this story is too much of a sob story about how the Jews are going down. It focuses in fact, on one disgusting mean Jew in Afghanistan and tries to turn that into a whole story. DON'T SHED TEARS FOR THESE PEOPLE. It seems to me the Muslims and Arabs are treating them much better than they deserve. Jan]

By Michael Curtis

Overlooked the news of the chaos in Kabul is the story of the exit from Afghanistan on September 7, 2021, of 62-year-old Zabulon Simintov, the last Jew in the country. Not a heroic figure, he is a difficult man who has debts, received food, including matzos, from Afghans in New York and elsewhere, and was unkind to his wife who lives in Israel, because he refuses to grant her a get, the Jewish religious divorce process. He had some saving grace: he did save both the Afghan women’s soccer team, and a group of women judges.

Simintov lived in and took care of the Kabul synagogue, lived for a time in Turkmenistan, and lived under the Taliban without problems, but he is afraid of the more extreme terrorist group, ISIS. He is an unusual person, a carpet trader and restaurateur, he was born in Herat in 1959, keeps kosher, observes the Sabbath, reads the Torah, prays in Hebrew, is fond of whiskey, and keeps a pet partridge. He was taken out of Afghanistan by bus to a neighboring country, Tajikistan, with the help of an ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn man and an Israeli-U.S. businessman. The group also brought out 30 women and children.

Simintov is unimportant in himself but he represents a historic moment, the last person of the Jewish population which had been in Afghanistan for 2000 years, living as merchants, landowners, and moneylenders. In the city of Herat there were four synagogues. Anti-Semitism became more evident in the 1930s. Jews were declared noncitizens and began emigrating. In 1948 there were 5,000, but by 2005 there were only two Jews left: Simintov and Isaac Levy, who died in 2005. They disliked each other and lived on opposite sides in the synagogue.

The departure of Simintov is a reminder of the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries, still observed in the Jewish festivals at Passover and at Sukkot, the festival for giving thanks not only for the yearly harvest, but also for food and shelter when escaping from Egypt.

Jewish communities had existed in the Middle East and North Africa for millennia, since Biblical times. They had been ruled by different empires from the Babylonians on. In Islamic countries, Jews had the status of “dhimmis,” second-class citizens, the people of the book. Yet when Jews were persecuted in medieval Europe, many found refuge in Muslim lands. This was noticeably the case when Jews were persecuted in Spain and Portugal. Between 1290 and 1421 Jews were expelled from Egypt, France, Spain, Portugal, and Austria.

After pogroms in Spain in 1391, the Alhambra decree (Edict of Expulsion) in April, 1492 ruled that Jews must either convert to Catholicism or be deported. Over 200,000 converted, and an estimated number of 100,000 were expelled. Portugal granted temporary asylum to Jews but then also deported those who refused to convert. Many of the Iberian Jews went to parts of the Ottoman Empire. The list of those descended from the expelled Iberians is formidable. They include Benjamin Cardozo, Camille Pissarro, Pierre Mendes-France, David Ricardo, and Emma Lazarus.

Between 1948, the creation of Israel, and the early 1970s about 850,000 Jews, mainly of Sephardic and Mizrahic backgrounds fled, usually penniless and leaving assets and businesses worth up to $6 billion in today’s money, or were evacuated from Arab countries and the Muslim world. About two-thirds lived in areas in North Africa controlled by France and Italy. Of these, 15-20% lived in Iraq, 10% in Egypt, 7% in Yemen, and 200,000 in Iran under the Shah and in the republic of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire had 200,000 Jews at the beginning of the 19th century. By 1972, 600,000 Jews from Arab and Muslim countries had reached Israel. Their descendants constitute more than half of the total population of Israel.

The numbers remaining in Arab countries and Iran are small, as figures show in comparison between 1948 and today: Egypt 80,000, now 100; Iran 65,000 now 8,300; Iraq 140,000, now 5-7; Libya 35,000, now 0; Sudan 350, now 0; Morocco 250,000, now 2150, Yemen 63,000, now 50; Tunisia 105,000, now 2,000; Turkey 80,000, now 14,000.

Jews left or were forced to leave Arab countries for a variety of reasons: general and persisting anti-Semitism, pogroms, property confiscation, persecution, death threats, torture, removal of citizenship, poverty, and expulsion. To this can be added fulfillment of yearning to return to Zion, with affiliation for Zionist objectives, and desire for better economic status and personal security.

The first waves of removal from Arab and Muslim countries in the late 1940s and early 1950s were from Yemen, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt. Exodus from Egypt increased after the 1956 Suez crisis. Other factors pushing Jews out were OAS violence in Algeria, and anti-Semitism in countries controlled by the Soviet Union.

Iraq once had a well-integrated, relatively prosperous Jewish community, prominent in trade, banking, with representatives in the legislature and executive. Conditions changed after the creation of Israel. Pogroms, influenced by Nazi ideas, took place,.A prominent Jew, Shafiq Ades, chief agent of Ford in Iraq, was publicly hanged, followed by bombings in 1950 and 1951. Jews were deprived of civil and economic rights and subject to special taxes and restrictions on professional activity. Zionism was made a crime. In those years. Jews were saved by operations Ezra and Nehemiah which took 120,000 to Israel. In all, 95% of Iraq Jews left.

Egypt, remembered in Passover services, once had 16 important Jewish schools, five in Cairo, nine in Alexandria, two important Jewish hospitals, retirement homes, more than 60 synagogues, and a Jewish population of 75,000. After Israel was created, Jews were attacked, and under the rule of Nasser, Jews were persecuted and expelled.

Jews in Iran are traced back to Babylonian exile of the 6th century B.C. In 1948, Jews numbered 140,000, before the Islamic revolution 1979 they were 80,000. In the 2012 census, the number was 8,756.

In North Africa, Jews have been present since the 6th century B.C. Some 530 children were saved by Operation Mural in 1961 led by author David Littman ,who in Casablanca organized the airlift of children from Morocco in the guise of supposed holidays in Switzerland.

Can the Jews who left Arab and Muslim countries be counted as refugees? Can they get belated justice? If so, Jews who left Arab countries and now live in Israel can be counted as a core factor and be significant in any resolution of the Middle East conflict.

In any case, the story of Mr. Simintov reminds us that the Jews were forced to leave Arab countries, and the exodus was formidable. Moreover, the paradox remains in much of the Arab and Muslim world. In this topsy turvy world, the more successful the story and progress of Israel, the more difficult and perilous the position of Jews in the Arab-Muslim world.

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Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.

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