The Evil Jewish Hag/Witch, Ginsberg is finally DEAD! Her: Ginsberg Obituary !

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[White Americans were circulating an "obituary" to the evil Jewish witch who was on the supreme court, busy destroying the American constitution. Here were some comments from them in an email entitled: Ginsberg Obituary! Jan]

One person wrote:
Good riddance!

Another wrote:


We are finally rid of a great menace. Best, Earl

My comments to them were:
Nice! Delighted to hear she’s gone. I think there was a fake story about her death some months back so this time I was cautious. Glad to see it for real.

The white man’s medicine brought her worthless life a long extension so that she could do evil to the whites of America right to her last breath.

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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
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