THE END TIMES: We will die with a Whimper … NO! – History will run as it always has… with WAR!
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[Some Americans were having a discussion when a lady, who might not have been an American, said that we are in the End Times and we will go out in a whimper. Jan]
The lady wrote:
And this is how the World will end, not with a bang, but a whimper. What could have been a worth-wile group at one time, has dwindled to nothingness. This is what comes of the lack of Unity, true Idealism and Understanding. It was never meant to be and I have not liked it’s trend for a long time.
I was quite irritated because I’d discussed this Jewish END TIMES nonsense before. I called it a Jewish Mind Poison:-
The world won’t end. I’ve done videos about this junk thinking.
Things have been far worse and whites have survived.
I waited for the world to end decades ago.
People have been talking about the world ending incessantly for centuries.
This is nonsense, and it’s part of the Jewish junk invented for the Bible.
Revelations was an attempt by the Jews to produce problems for the Romans.
There’s another book in the Bible, I forget which one now, where they did the same thing to the Ancient Greeks.
END TIME thinking is total garbage.
Anything is possible if Whites get up and start DOING THINGS.
Things are bad because people are not taking care of matters.
The world won’t end.
The reality is that WAR will be the thing that will turn things around.
Those who are determined, will WIN BACK THE WORLD by KILLING THEIR ENEMIES.
The same way it’s always been done.
I wish that people like you would start reading more history please.
2004: After White Farmers chased out of Zim: 100 White Zim Farmers create 4,118 Jobs in Mozambique
After Mugabe chased White Farmers out of Zimbabwe, small groups of them went to other worthless Black countries and made a massive, positive impact.